- Acupuncture is the most widely used TCM therapy which involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the meridian systems. It provides a holistic approach to healing as it balances Yin and Yang, regulates qi and blood, dredges the meridians and promotes blood circulation. It is effective to treat pain due to its internal opioid effect.
I also use the following Chinese Medicine therapies to complement acupuncture if appropriate:
- Electroacupuncture works by stimulating acupuncture needles by passing a low electrical current through them. This Mili-current is able to get deeper into the affected area which improves circulation and provides pain relief.
- Cupping involves the use of suction devices applied to the skin to disperse qi and stagnation, altering the biomechanics to promote healing. It can alleviate tensions from the back which releases trapped emotions and stagnation.
- Gua-sha is translated as “To Scrape” (Gua) and “Sand Like” (Sha) and involves using a smooth edge tool and oil to scrape the skin in the direction of the muscle fibers. It is very effective for pain relief and promotes healing by releasing toxins and improving lymph drainage. In today’s healing it is used popularly for stress reduction, relaxation, and better skin health.
- Moxa is a dried leaf of the herb commonly known as mugwort or Aì yè in Chinese medicine. It is burned on acupuncture points or near the skin to provide heat therapy. This can be very healing as it warms, stimulates circulation and expels pathogenic factors.
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